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Your Evaluation page

On this page will be your evaluation, the last task on Assignment 2.


Below is a copy of the task from my website. All your evaluation should appear on this page.

You must write an evaluation to show how your pre-production documents have helped you. The list below is what you need to write about. Make sure you evaluate the work you have done to gain the higher grade.

Make sure you mention the following points:

  • Logistics. (write about how essential ALL the planning was, making sure you know what and why you doing it, keeping a record of what you are doing and collected information, such as research, questionnaire analysis, meeting minutes etc)

  • Finance. (finance is crucial, write about how knowing your budget and costs helped you plan)

  • Creative processes. (how you came up with your ideas through researching existing designs, artists. Discussing ideas through your meetings and amending and improving your ideas. Mockups and mood boards)

  • Personnel management. (working with others - meetings and working together)

  • Resource management. (identifying what you need)

  • Time management. (being aware of deadlines)

  • Professional Practice. (adhering to the legal and ethical code)

  • Monitoring progress. (mention your production log which helped you, knowing the order of the process)

  • Risk management and crisis management. (contingency plan, how important is this?)

  • Maintaining documentation. (making sure all work is in organised and in order, your checklist has helped you)

  • Problems/difficulties with project management. (what have you found difficult? How did you overcome this?)

  • Identifying ways of improving project management in future productions. (what could you have planned better?)

For distinction standard, learners will make direct correlations between their project management of logistics, finance and creative processes during pre-production and the overall success of the planning for the digital media production.

For merit standard, recommendations for improvements to the project management must be relevant and related to financial, logistical and creative processes specific to the project. The analysis will make reference to one or more elements of pre-production and will include different

aspects of project management such as time management, monitoring progress and personal management.

For pass standard learners explanations of project management will make reference to aspects of logistics, finance and the creative processes. The explanations will be limited and may not address fully the different elements of pre-production and project management.

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